Our team have been working tirelessly to fix issues experienced by players as well as look at the animations in game and take into account all of the feedback I've shared from you all.
Our next big update will contain quite a lot of fixes. The exact details we will share with you in a more official communication closer to the time.
We are still working with our VIPs on the draft mode, but we've had a lot of really good feedback which has meant we've been able to make some great improvements. I'm been planning to share with you all a news post covering the new Draft mode and what to expect from it as well as what rewards it will give when I can.
Of course beyond Draft we have plans, and we will share with you these plans as they move towards a more presentable state.
Вкратце, в следующем апдейте они поправят баги и наконец-то пофиксят анимацию.
Они обещают скоро выпустить пресс-релиз с подробным описанием всего, что они поменяют в апдейте.
Ну и пока они допиливают драфт мод.
Ключевое слово: Скоро